Upload Image to External Server
"Upload Image to External Server" option allows upload your image or photo to External Server.
The URL copies to clipboard and stored at server. You can use the URL of your uploaded file anywhere (For example when working in forum).
The URL copies to clipboard and stored at server. You can use the URL of your uploaded file anywhere (For example when working in forum).
To upload image to external server:
Select image or photo from your disk > Choose Upload Image to External Server >

Choose the uploading image format > Enter your e-mail to manage your photo album or leave it empty, if you want to get only a link for file > Type a description.
Press "Upload" image when everything is ready for uploading. Then you'll see the uploading process:

Now your image is already uploaded. Choose operation you want to do now.

Using uploading buttons, you can:
- copy image or album link to clipboard,
- open image or album link in browser.
"Copy Image Link to Clipboard"
"Copy Album Link to Clipboard"
"Open Image Link in Browser"
"Open Album Link in Browser"
Upload Image to External Server will help you upload an image, making your work comfortable and fast!