
Welcome to space adventure! On a flying saucer travel through space, collect the mysterious cosmic hexes.
Various levels, different types of bonuses - all you need for a great game.
- Excellent graphics
- Great music
- Excellent gameplay
- A unique setting
- 24 levels of addictive space adventure!

Hexospace is original arcade game with puzzle elements, which is sure to remind you of the Arcade genre of "three in a row."

The playing field in every level consists of a decent number of empty hexagons. Below that is a window in which there are new pieces composed usually of two or three hexagons specific color. Slightly to the left is a window in which you can see from the following figure hexes, allowing you to plan your moves ahead.
To the right of the large round window are two virtual arrow keys. One of them allows you to expand the shape of hexagons as a whole, and by a second button allows you to mix hexes inside the shape, that is, to change their positions.

Figures from multicolored hexagons should be placed on the field in such a way that they (hexes) touched their fellows (with matching). Hexes set in a line of three or more pieces - disappear and are added to the account level. The aim of the game is that you need as quickly as possible slbrat certain number of hexes. figures on the playing field of hexagons. Deploy figures and swapped hexes within the figures only up to the moment until you fix the figure on the playing field.

Another interesting point is that the figures for who vacated the seat, do not fall down by gravity and continue to hang in the same place where you have fixed them earlier. That is, make room on the playing field can be only one way - by removing all chains of identical elements.

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