Congratulations! You have downloaded Marle 2D!!! Life can drive one into a corner, and literally into the garbage can. When surrounded by swarming zombies and rabid animals attacking, you smell your next breakfast which no longer sounds real nasty. - Run! - ..... Ruuu .. uun ! - Clack ... - A light shines on a dustbin lid. This could be something ... - We will survive! You were caught in a trap, in a mess on the street. Nasty zombies are everywhere, infecting everything in their path. They really must go! In my possession are 5 weapons, but unfortunately I do not know how to use them. I will learn and then I can use all the more interesting shells. (Choose Your Weapon . This tank is not able to move now, but it’s powerful nonetheless. I have a list, and if you want I can show it to you. Just click to open, Q- E- to close. In this tank, as in the shop you can buy shells and a bit of energy, and then let them rip. - Booyakasha!



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